1.6mm 0.063″ Wire Feeder Tube Tip (10pcs)


10pc package. This tip is ideal for wires thinner than 1.6mm or 0.063″, but is best utilized for wire sizes between 1.2mm and 1.6mm or 0.047″ to 0.063″


When feeding wire into your weld it helps to have a precision feed directly into the center of the weld pool. This is easily achieved with tips sized to the wire being used. This Wire feed tip is designed for precise feeding of wire to gun up to 1.6mm 0.063″ wire, but is ideal for feeding wire between 1.2mm and 1.6mm or 0.047″ to 0.063″. Suitable for feeding of aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel and other wires. Package comes with 10pcs. Compatible with SUP and Raytools Handhelds and others. Inquire for more details and compatibility.

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